joimax® celebrates 10 years of TESSYS®

Karlsruhe – Since 2004 more than 100,000 patients in 30 countries (up to August 2014) have undergone surgery with the TESSYS® method and its later developments. The latest studies reveal a shorter recovery time, a quicker return to work and normal quality of life, and an associated reduction in the impact on welfare systems.

joimax® looks back on 10 years of successful application of the TESSYS® procedure for minimally invasive endoscopic removal of herniated discs – a particularly gentle surgical technique using the naturally occurring transforaminal opening to the spinal canal. TESSYS® was the first product that joimax® launched onto the market and it helped the company make its breakthrough. Since then, joimax® has greatly diversified its product portfolio for 360° surgery in virtually all areas of the spinal column, including endoscopic and percutaneous stabilization.

joimax® presents the EndoLIF® system

Karlsruhe – As its latest development, joimax® presents the EndoLIF® system for endoscopic stabilization of the lumbar spine. The EndoLIF® system includes an O-cage
(oblique cage) in addition to fully endoscopic access technology to the intervertebral disc space with the proven TESSYS® or iLESSYS® technique. In addition, there is Percusys®, a screw and rod system for posterior percutaneous stabilization.

The advantages of this procedure are clear:

• Smooth, atraumatic access due to dilation of tissue
• Dura and nerves are protected by the working tubes
• Dorsal bone structures are unaffected
• O-cage made from titanium with honeycomb structure as optimal subsurface for cell growth
• Percutaneous stabilization with a screw and rod system, so minimally invasive too Both new systems are CE approved, not yet FDA cleared.


joimax® and spine experts from across the world at COMINCO in São Paulo

Karlsruhe – Spine experts from across the world met at the beginning of August at COMINCO (Brazilian Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery) in São Paulo. This was the fifth time that COMINCO has taken place and it provided an opportunity for large numbers of experts to share information and ideas in the fields of neurosurgery and orthopedics.

Minimally invasive treatment methods and their successes from the patient’s perspective were the focus of the congress. The very latest surgical possibilities and techniques were presented in symposia, workshops, and numerous lectures to a very high scientific standard. joimax® GmbH trainer, Dr. med. Ralf Wagner from Frankfurt, Germany, notably introduced TESSYS® in his presentation “Endoscopy of the lumbar spine in degenerative diseases.” This technique provides transforaminal access to the lumbar spine for treatment of herniated discs and stenosis – an osseous narrowing of the spinal canal.


A prime example of collaboration between China and Germany

Karlsruhe – joimax® opens the 3rd Training and Reference Center in Shanghai, China, at Changzheng Hospital, Tongji University, under the direction of Prof. Ye Xiaojian. The prestigious university and its affiliated Tung-Chee Hospital were founded in 1907 by the German government as its first major project in foreign cultural policy.

It is a prime example of Sino-German collaboration, which continues to this day at Tongji University and also at other centers in Chongqing at Xinqiao Hospital under the direction of Prof. Zhou Yue, and in Beijing at the General Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army (PLAGH) under the direction of Prof. Zhang Xifeng. The Training & Reference Centers provide targeted training to surgeons in endoscopic treatment methods on the spine as part of the joimax® Education Program. Above all, this features TESSYS®, the technique of transforaminal access to the lumbar spine for treatment of herniated discs and stenosis – an osseous narrowing of the spinal canal. Qualified and standardized training in these surgical techniques is essential. joimax® is therefore supporting the basic principle that patients should always receive high quality, reliable, and safe therapy in line with the very latest technology and scientific progress.
