The Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Announces Agreement With joimax® To Support Creation and Launch of SMISS Registry for Endoscopic Spine Surgery

San Diego, Oct. 20, 2011 – The Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SMISS), San Diego, CA and joimax®, Karlsruhe, Germany announced today the signing of an agreement to support the SMISS Registry as a founding sponsor for creation and launch of the SMISS Spine Registry for Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Spine Surgery. The SMISS Spine Registry was designed to collect valuable data concerning decreased hospitalization, recovery times, and complication rates of endoscopic spine procedures, as well as increased quality of life measures, subject satisfaction, and cost effectiveness. In today’s rapidly changing healthcare climate, it is imperative to ensure the ongoing availability of this data regarding efficiencies of care and quality of outcomes.

SMISS has assembled an outstanding research team with extensive experience within the spine field. The Principal Investigator for the Registry, Choll Kim, M. D., Ph.D, Executive Director and Board of Directors Member of SMISS states, “We are excited to partner with joimax® in the launch of the SMISS Registry, a project that will produce the relevant data collection and management necessary for the continued growth of minimally invasive endoscopic spine surgery. The Society will lead the way in the collection of minimally invasive spine surgery outcomes and cost data. SMISS is positioned to become the model for successful spine research.”

“joimax® and SMISS are ideal partners to begin this important project in spinal endoscopy. The data collected will assist both parties in furthering the development of minimally invasive endoscopic spinal surgery, which is a great benefit to patients around the world,” said Wolfgang Ries, CEO and Founder of joimax. “We are pleased to provide funding for this important project.”

This three year, multi-centered project will commence patient enrollment in late 2011. The Registry is expected to enroll a minimum of 250 patients during the first phase of the project.

joimax® Launches Numerous Innovations at EuroSpine Milan From 19 To 21 October 2011

Karlsruhe/Milan, October 17th, 2011. In its anniversary year joimax® presents numerous innovations – at EuroSpine Milan for the first time, opening up the series of the big autumn congresses and exhibitions.

For the first time joimax® presents the now complete product range for endoscopic spinal surgery, showing the novel pain therapy product “Multiuse”. The new Multiuse-Set comprises instruments for endoscopic facet joint denervation or so-called rhizotomy. Subsequent to the iLESSYS® system for 360° decompression launched in spring 2011, it completes the joimax® product range that was kicked off with TESSYS® years ago. Further special blades for the successfully launched Shrill® shaver-drill resection and ablation system will be introduced to the market also.

At EuroSpine joimax® will display its complete endoscopic system of the 3rd generation with Vitegra®3 for the first time. This is the most recent generation of fully integrated documentation systems. With D-Camsource® HD LED, the first fully integrated HD camera technology with LED light source will be introduced. The joimax® proprietary radio frequency system Endovapor® will be presented to the public with new bi-polar probes.

This rapid-fire launching of a variety of new products proves again the leading position of joimax® in the field of endoscopic spinal surgery. To accompany this, joimax® offers a lunch workshop on October 20th, 2011. Congress attendees can register directly at the joimax® booth. Members of the international joimax® faculty team will present their experiences when applying the joimax® instruments, devices and surgery methods.

Further important events right after EuroSpine on the joimax® agenda are the SMISS in Las Vegas, USA, the NASS in Chicago with a big workshop to be held at the renowned Chicago Back Institute, the MEDICA in Duesseldorf, Germany, the Rome Spine Conference in Italy and finally the DWG annual congress in Hamburg early December, with another lunch symposium and an evening reception celebrating the 10th anniversary of the company.

joimax® inspires Thai-German Neurosurgery Congress participants for TESSYS®

Karlsruhe, 6th of October 2011. joimax® opened doors for the Thai-German Neurosurgery congress participants, under the patronage of the German Academy for Neurosurgery (GANS) and the presidency of the Director of the Clinic for Neurosurgery at the “Städtisches Klinikum” in Karlsruhe, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Uwe Spetzger – this year taking place in Karlsruhe, South Germany.

joimax® organised a lunch symposium in line with the congress, beginning with a company conducted tour through the facility where the participants visited amongst others the departments of the technical staff, research, development and construction – the core competencies and heart of the company. Also interesting were the explanations of the company founder and managing director Wolfgang Ries speaking about the exhibits in the so called internal “museum”, documenting the development of the 10 years company history,
showing prototypes of instruments, endoscopes and devices from the founding years.

The application of TESSYS® was presented by Prof. Dr. med. Ju?rgen Kiwit, Chief Physician of the Helios Hospital for Neurosurgery in Berlin Buch, in his demonstrative lecture with many pictures and videos. “In my opinion the minimally invasive TESSYS® method is the future of spine surgery, especially when treating herniated discs and stenosis. The advantages of this gentle method are more than obvious,” he stated.

The full potential of the endoscopic spinal surgery was impressively shown by Wolfgang Ries in his overview presentation: with special instruments it is also suitable for treating e.g. spinal canal stenosis and so makes – besides the transforaminal – the interlaminar access possible also, so that the spinal canal is now accessible from all sides, meaning 360°. The instruments of the next generation with flexible forceps, reamers and endoscopes are already very advanced in the joimax® development pipeline. An endoscopic assisted spine stabilisation system will open further wide ranges of applications.

A concluding hands-on with the latest joimax® endoscopic devices on models fully convinced the 45 Thai-German guests of the company’s innovative performance.
