From December 10th-12th 2009, joimax® took part in the 4th German Spine Congress (DWG) in Munich. This congress has advanced to become the largest spine congress in Europe, overtaking the Eurospine. The DWG offered joimax® the opportunity to transmit a live operation into a conference room for the first time at a German spine congress. During a lunchtime workshop approximately 100 participants watched attentively as Dr. Michael Schubert (Apex Spine Center, Munich) performed an endoscopic intervertebral disc operation using the TESSYS® method in the ATOS Private Clinic Munich, with commentary by Dr. Florian Maria Alfen (Würzburg) – a premiere event at a German neuro or spine surgery congress. Bavarian Television (“Bayerisches Fernsehen”) immediately took up the story, broadcasting a report on this exciting event in the evening news on the very same day (10.12.2009).
Further information regarding the 2009 DWG can be found under