joimax® holds the first international TESSYS® User Meeting in Veenhuizen, The Netherlands, and announces the launch of various new products for endoscopic spinal surgery
Karlsruhe, 12. May 2010. On 14 and 15 May 2010 joimax® GmbH holds the first international user meeting of endoscopic spinal surgery in Veenhuizen/Netherlands. Besides the ten reference surgeons about 30 participants and customers from Germany, Europe, the United States and other countries are expected to join the meeting. The scientific program comprises atwo-days conference which be opened with a keynote lecture of Prof. Dr. Gerbrand J. Groen of the university of Utrecht. CEO and founder of the company Wolfgang Ries will give an outline of the product offensive in the coming months in the field of access systems, ablation and drilling systems and the latest joimax® HD technologies.
One of the highlights of this event will be the opening ceremony of Rugkliniek Iprenburg in Veenhuizen. The head of this private clinic Dr. Menno Iprenburg, a long-time member of the joimax® Faculty, having completed more than 900 TESSYS® surgeries, states: „It was the right decision to give up my position as chief surgeon in Assen and to risk once again total self-employment with the joimax® TESSYS® method“, and, „this is also proven by the significantly increasing number of patients and the possibility of operating more indications with the joimax® endoscopic methods “.

About joimax®
Founded in Karlsruhe, Germany in 2001, joimax® is the leading developer and marketer of complete systems for full-endoscopic and minimally invasive spinal surgery. With the Endoscopic Surgical Systms TESSYS® (transforaminal), iLESSYS® (interlaminar) and CESSYS® (cervical) for decompression procedures, MultiZYTE® for facet and sacroiliac joint pain treatment, EndoLIF® and Percusys® for minimally invasive endoscopically assisted stabilizations, established systems are provided, addressing a whole range of indications. All methods are supported by the latest generation electronical devices in the all new NAVENTO® navigated endoscopic tower. In procedures for herniated discs, stenosis, pain therapy or spinal stabilization treatment, surgeons utilize joimax® technologies to operate through small incisions under local or full anesthesia, via tissue and muscle-sparing corridors, and through natural openings in the spinal canal, e.g., the intervertebral foramen, the so-called "Kambin triangle".
Press Contact Germany
joimax® GmbH
Antje Paulsen
Press Contact USA
joimax®, Inc.
Jose Elguera
+1 (949) 859 3472 301